The educational programmes we provide at our schools include basic subjects such as reading and maths, computers, Jewish studies, and a wide range of therapies, including physiotherapy, occupational therapy, hydrotherapy, speech therapy, music and art therapy. All schools incorporate the Alternative Augmentative Communication method which based on symbols. This method was created specifically for Ohel […]
The educational programmes we provide at our schools include basic subjects such as reading and maths, computers, Jewish studies, and a wide range of therapies, including physiotherapy, occupational therapy, hydrotherapy, speech therapy, music and art therapy.
All schools incorporate the Alternative Augmentative Communication method which based on symbols. This method was created specifically for Ohel Sarah and is used by all students from the age of six. The children can express themselves easily and conveniently with the help of their personalized symbol charts, and share an open channel of communication with their teachers and surroundings. Transportation to and from the schools is provided by the Municipality. The schools receive partial funding from the Education Ministry.
We use the latest technology to help our students. A successful programme using IPads has revolutionised communication, especially for children who have speech and communication disabilities. The TouchChat app enables children to communicate – often for the first time.
Beit Chanoch – caters for 74 boys ages 6-14 with mild to moderate cognitive disabilities.
Beit Shai – caters for 32 boys ages 14-21 with mild to moderate cognitive disabilities.
Gesharim – caters for 112 girls ages 6-21 with mild to moderate cognitive disabilities.
The Wohl Centre – caters to 50 boys and girls ages 6-21 with moderate, severe and complex cognitive disabilities.
If you would like any more information about any of these schools, please email